Bass Valley
Composition consisting entirely of sounds made by a bass guitar. After effects were recorded, they were sequenced and played over with improvised bass lines.
Includes FLAC stems (stereo) of: effect sequence, bass line, and high strums. Sound effects (mono) included in a ZIP file.
Effects achieved through: pressing on pick-ups; plucking the very ends of strings; scraping a pick along strings; wiping strings with a bare hand; sliding across the frets; hitting strings with a thumb.
May prove most useful to those looking for bass guitar effects like slap bass and slides, or for making mixes with semi-organic sound effects.
Includes FLAC stems (stereo) of: effect sequence, bass line, and high strums. Sound effects (mono) included in a ZIP file.
Effects achieved through: pressing on pick-ups; plucking the very ends of strings; scraping a pick along strings; wiping strings with a bare hand; sliding across the frets; hitting strings with a thumb.
May prove most useful to those looking for bass guitar effects like slap bass and slides, or for making mixes with semi-organic sound effects.