From the Heart 150
150 bpm Breaks.
Stems included: drums, music, and vocals.
Stem previews are mono, FLAC files are stereo.
TR-909 drum samples recorded from ReBirth RB-338 by Propellerhead Software.
Contains a sample from Kathy Lowe - “ Receiving Love”.
“Receiving Love” by Kathy Lowe is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.
Stems included: drums, music, and vocals.
Stem previews are mono, FLAC files are stereo.
TR-909 drum samples recorded from ReBirth RB-338 by Propellerhead Software.
Contains a sample from Kathy Lowe - “ Receiving Love”.
“Receiving Love” by Kathy Lowe is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.
Uses samples from...
- Anatomy of a Jazz Musician Silkwords
- backbeat percussion copperhead
- FX Pack 01 tigabeatz
- Chill Groove Multitrack Drums boxboy333
- Smooth Electric Piano Chords greg_baumont
- Loopiter Remix rastilo
- Epic Spicatto Male Chords greg_baumont
- Bingo (B-I-N-G-O) casimps1
- Don't You Run VJ_Memes
- Child Talking Pack 1 mindink
- Horn Birds by Mikooshka Mikooshka
- Human drums 1 Fireproof_Babies
- Ana (Instrumental Sources) vieux
- Baby revken
- Kettingfuck saxophone samples sacamano