Mon arbre
Beautiful text by ColeMorrall, on music composed under ableton Live with modern vst.
I also added a sample of Snooflake, of the title of I am Waiting
Mon arbre
Texte magnifique de ColeMorall.
Loss in the Skyline
by Cole Morrall
A split in the ground
Iâve heard a sound
All about you
The roots have wondered
Where their branches are
The raw stump straining towards the stars
A heavy heart for you
And itâs not just the fall you know
But the way the other things would grow
Curling up you because they could
Because you would
Be the ground for them
All the trees that lived on you
What will they do?
Slink off, unable to lift you up
Unable to arrive at the time you needed more
Only you were big enough to be the ground
I wish we could give back
Everything you gave us
I wish I could offer your stump shade
I wish I could give your roots
A place to hold up
And feel safe.
I wish I could hold you
And tell you it will be alright
But youâre already on the ground
My heart bursts in a thousand small pieces
Each begging to turn back time
How can no one save you?
How can no one see all that you are
And speak where you canât?
I wish I were there
I would have stretched my arms wide
And stood my ground
Just like you
I wanted to married under your shade
By the river
To feel the damp ground over your roots
As Iâve done my whole life
And know I was safe
I was grounded
A loss so big
Youâll be missed in the skyline
And to me
Youâll always be
My spirit tree
I also added a sample of Snooflake, of the title of I am Waiting

Mon arbre
Texte magnifique de ColeMorall.
Loss in the Skyline
by Cole Morrall
A split in the ground
Iâve heard a sound
All about you
The roots have wondered
Where their branches are
The raw stump straining towards the stars
A heavy heart for you
And itâs not just the fall you know
But the way the other things would grow
Curling up you because they could
Because you would
Be the ground for them
All the trees that lived on you
What will they do?
Slink off, unable to lift you up
Unable to arrive at the time you needed more
Only you were big enough to be the ground
I wish we could give back
Everything you gave us
I wish I could offer your stump shade
I wish I could give your roots
A place to hold up
And feel safe.
I wish I could hold you
And tell you it will be alright
But youâre already on the ground
My heart bursts in a thousand small pieces
Each begging to turn back time
How can no one save you?
How can no one see all that you are
And speak where you canât?
I wish I were there
I would have stretched my arms wide
And stood my ground
Just like you
I wanted to married under your shade
By the river
To feel the damp ground over your roots
As Iâve done my whole life
And know I was safe
I was grounded
A loss so big
Youâll be missed in the skyline
And to me
Youâll always be
My spirit tree