Schadenfreude (Rap beat construction kit)
There’s a second version of the song in the zip file. Please enjoy.
Vocal additions by Krys Rice my girlfriend. I have not hit the NSFW button though one of the German word samples not in the mix, is for a$**le.
The definition of schadenfreude she is reading is straight from Wikipedia which is of course under a CC license as well.
Viny Record Needle Static by joedeshon
Old Vinyl Record by “ThemFish”
Record Scratch by Nixphoeni
Vocal additions by Krys Rice my girlfriend. I have not hit the NSFW button though one of the German word samples not in the mix, is for a$**le.
The definition of schadenfreude she is reading is straight from Wikipedia which is of course under a CC license as well.
Viny Record Needle Static by joedeshon
Old Vinyl Record by “ThemFish”
Record Scratch by Nixphoeni