Mother Nature Healing Me Track and Samples
The uploaded samples to recreate this track are just 8 Bars long, loop them up and your kind of done ;-) Vox Dry and with FX are uploaded separately, have Fun.
Mother Nature you are all I truly need
Your Love is Healing Me
Ah Yes It’s healing me
I feel the power of the Sun come over me
Kissed by Raindrops the Cool embrace of a summer breeze
Mother Nature you are all I truly need
Your Love is Healing Me
Ah Yes It’s healing me
The Sweet perfume released by Flowers in the rain
The Gold of falling leaves upon an Autumn Day
Mother Nature you are the answer to all my pain
Your Love is healing me
Ah Healing Me
The beauty that you’ve given to the land & Sea
To see a Bird in flight a Horse just running free
Yea Mother Nature you are always there for me
And your love is Healing Me
Ah Healing me.
Loveshadow 2015
Mother Nature you are all I truly need
Your Love is Healing Me
Ah Yes It’s healing me
I feel the power of the Sun come over me
Kissed by Raindrops the Cool embrace of a summer breeze
Mother Nature you are all I truly need
Your Love is Healing Me
Ah Yes It’s healing me
The Sweet perfume released by Flowers in the rain
The Gold of falling leaves upon an Autumn Day
Mother Nature you are the answer to all my pain
Your Love is healing me
Ah Healing Me
The beauty that you’ve given to the land & Sea
To see a Bird in flight a Horse just running free
Yea Mother Nature you are always there for me
And your love is Healing Me
Ah Healing me.
Loveshadow 2015