The Ramblers Way
A lot of my lyrics evolve from viewing the years from different angles and in doing so are often just a jumble of phrases for the listener to interpret into their own life.
Old Dog provides the piano phrasing and so it’s a big wag of the tail to him. Also a big
to Dimitri for the superb violin intro
The Ramblers Way
On the day of my arrival on the streets of 53
By the rusting sheds that Osborne built to found his destiny
Where the citics withered finger pointed out the dragons lair
The girl from Worcester played all day with ribbons in her hair
All the social interaction was begun to hide the fear
That the answer was not simple and would one day end in tears
And young Lester Gray the parson’s son was often heard to say
If he had a golden promise he would never need to pray
And the women of the harbour wove their nets for all to know
That the tides were for the taking and the boats ready to row
And all the jolly sailor boys with Captain Cook would plan
To observe the transit of Venus and Abel Tasmins land
My foolish heart was ill prepared when lovers came to town
With promises of sheer delight to make me act the clown
And perfect little Alison was hiding from the news
That her maidenhead was long gone and her fragile beauty bruised
On the top deck of the 49 the sinning sisters dared
To make a pact with Jesus if he would just compare
Their calloused hands and wrinkled brows to beauty blessed and true
But little did they have to share so the offer he withdrew
So its farewell to the captain and fairwell to his crew
As they sail for deeper water and dreams of better news
And the tailor from Kirkcaldy making suits to please the king
Will settle for abstention but still wear the mortal sins
Old Dog provides the piano phrasing and so it’s a big wag of the tail to him. Also a big

The Ramblers Way
On the day of my arrival on the streets of 53
By the rusting sheds that Osborne built to found his destiny
Where the citics withered finger pointed out the dragons lair
The girl from Worcester played all day with ribbons in her hair
All the social interaction was begun to hide the fear
That the answer was not simple and would one day end in tears
And young Lester Gray the parson’s son was often heard to say
If he had a golden promise he would never need to pray
And the women of the harbour wove their nets for all to know
That the tides were for the taking and the boats ready to row
And all the jolly sailor boys with Captain Cook would plan
To observe the transit of Venus and Abel Tasmins land
My foolish heart was ill prepared when lovers came to town
With promises of sheer delight to make me act the clown
And perfect little Alison was hiding from the news
That her maidenhead was long gone and her fragile beauty bruised
On the top deck of the 49 the sinning sisters dared
To make a pact with Jesus if he would just compare
Their calloused hands and wrinkled brows to beauty blessed and true
But little did they have to share so the offer he withdrew
So its farewell to the captain and fairwell to his crew
As they sail for deeper water and dreams of better news
And the tailor from Kirkcaldy making suits to please the king
Will settle for abstention but still wear the mortal sins