Christmas Tears
For many children Santa never stops at their house. Christmas day will be like all the ones that went before. If they are lucky there will be only silence. No shouting, no abuse just silence.
Their Christmas day will be the same as many before but that will not stop them dreaming of a better time. They will keep on waiting.
I have taken Snowflakes beautiful vocal and used it as the words of the children who sit silently waiting those better times.
Christmas is a time to celebrate but it is also a time to reflect on what we as mere humans can do to make some of the wrongs right.
Their Christmas day will be the same as many before but that will not stop them dreaming of a better time. They will keep on waiting.
I have taken Snowflakes beautiful vocal and used it as the words of the children who sit silently waiting those better times.
Christmas is a time to celebrate but it is also a time to reflect on what we as mere humans can do to make some of the wrongs right.