The White Cube
This poem was written specifically for “The White Cube” installation taking place at RAM Gallery in Oslo, Norway in commemoration of its 20th anniversary.
Gurdonark and I have been invited to bring the mixters into this exhibition through the creation of a sonic installation revolving around the themes of The White Cube/Winter light.
Please see the detailed description of this project in the announcements and in the related blog.
I do hope you will remix this piece so your work can be included in “The White Cube” installation at RAM Gallery.
You set the tea light on the table
its flicker a delicate tease of what you might see
the early shadows barely breathe in that intimacy
as you look, as you reach
recognition bursts!
Its brightness the brightest sun reflected on fields of snow so in that moment the whole room explodes!
We start as a white cube
with a floor and walls
where we put up our ideas
and watch them hang
and then we take them down again.
In this space we speak of the color white
the color of all colors combined
the color of all of our options
the color of our connection that traverses space and time.
December in the north
the darkness lingers
so that even the shade of the moon seems bright.
You reach out and grab that light
the palpable tangible meaning of life.
Gurdonark and I have been invited to bring the mixters into this exhibition through the creation of a sonic installation revolving around the themes of The White Cube/Winter light.
Please see the detailed description of this project in the announcements and in the related blog.
I do hope you will remix this piece so your work can be included in “The White Cube” installation at RAM Gallery.
You set the tea light on the table
its flicker a delicate tease of what you might see
the early shadows barely breathe in that intimacy
as you look, as you reach
recognition bursts!
Its brightness the brightest sun reflected on fields of snow so in that moment the whole room explodes!
We start as a white cube
with a floor and walls
where we put up our ideas
and watch them hang
and then we take them down again.
In this space we speak of the color white
the color of all colors combined
the color of all of our options
the color of our connection that traverses space and time.
December in the north
the darkness lingers
so that even the shade of the moon seems bright.
You reach out and grab that light
the palpable tangible meaning of life.
Uses samples from...
Samples are used in...
- Dreams in the Sacred Cube PorchCat
- Shimmer (Emeralds for Sackjo22) jlbrock44
- Grab that Light 160 Apoxode
- Grab that Light 160 Apoxode
- Grab that Light 140 Apoxode
- The White Cube (Constellations Mix) feat. SackJo22 & Colab mana_junkie
- The White Cube doxent
- In This Space Vidian
- Long Winter Anandamine
- Beach Blanket Emergence VJ_Memes
- White Cube drunknmunkey666
- The White Cube - Machinima Edition YT
- Tangible Meaning of Life (Vo1k1 Mix) vo1k1
- Mathilda on Acid Citizen_X0
- so fragile penston
- Lotus Cube hepepe
- We Start (Jingle) hepepe
- Choices Citizen_X0
- Cube X Frank
- The White Cube mykleanthony
- A Whiter Shade Of Cube copperhead
- The White Cube (Poetry Jam) SonicDH
- white cube urmymuse
- Beyond The White Cube subliminal
- Our Resolve ramblinglibrarian
- DiskoTanz/WhiteCube Remix shreya
- Cabin Fever mix audiotechnica
- Bright White Light jlbrock44
- White Light Cube (explodes) snowflake
- White Cube-Ism verian
- The White Cube (Kyrie Eleison) jacindae
- In Oslo we need the light mullion
- Winter Lights Cubed verian
- Whitecube (For a Museum) boomaga
- Cubo Branco-White Cube Cdala
- Dawn Of Time: Morning Cube spinmeister
- The Color of All Colors gurdonark
- The White Cube Project rewob
- Cubenesticism Haskel
- Whitecube plan bigbonobo_combo
- we speak silent AIR_LOMEG
- The White Cube [Omni Vista's Ambient Space Mix] omnivista
- Down, down again Carosone
- spacetime(whitecube) airtone
- As You Look cag
- polar kthugha
- Concrete Casket ljbrouwer
- hvit vinterlys teru
- White Cube (plucky mix) kthugha
- White Cube (accord mix) kthugha
- Viva la Vibro Cube Haskel
- Dance of Light Pixies onlymeith
- Over the Edge / Stephanie RMX BOCrew
- WhiteNoiseNewCube AIR_LOMEG
- Dreaming_the_white_cube_first_try magmavander
- White Cube (Tribal Chill Mix) m3roadworx
- The White Cube _ By Insinio insinio
- Keep It Simple Cubic texasradiofish
- Cubic White texasradiofish
- Otra White Cube texasradiofish
- ??ME^NinG Of LIfe?? Loveshadow
- Whitespace unreal_dm
- Seraphim of The White Cube anchormejans
- The WhiteBeat wellman
- Colour of Our Connection PorchCat
- White Cube (osaeris remix) osaeris
- December 2009 onlymeith
- Meaning Of Life onlymeith
- i dropped the song, and it shattered artemisstrong
- We Start As A White Cube Vidian
- ONYAWC donniedrost
- Translucent morgantj
- The White Cube ditto
- Darkness Explodes morgantj
- Birth (White Cube) morgantj
- White Cube (mix) Lancefield
- Iceberg 20 Below Loveshadow
- And Then We Take Them Down Again DoKashiteru
- In TH!S $pAcE [ ? ] Loveshadow
- Hub Thee Twice jwepurchase
- white cube (watching ideas hang) speck
- The White Cube(OrcaMix) presse
- we start oldDog
- Whitecube - Oh Lord Jurgen_Herrmann
- White Cube Beat Boxing Tenny
- White Cube - The Light AlexBeroza
- The White Cube mcjackinthebox
- WhiCu Pitx
- zero zero : daemon in the cube romancito
- White Cuboid Mint_Machine
- whitecube BarryMorgan
- The white cubeebuc etihw ehT spdejan
- The White Cube- so so cold treatmeant djlang59
- Frost - White -Whitecube Jurgen_Herrmann
- Whitecube Version 2 Jurgen_Herrmann
- For the whitecube Jurgen_Herrmann
- White Cube (Tenny Mix) Tenny
- Funny Recognition by zzzzz on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
- The White Cube - Video Study 2010-02 - Abstract art by Florence Artur
- 2009_12_17 - RAM cam no. I and II