Perspective is a HUGE topic! It’s nearly everything.
This offering is a sampling on perspective. It includes a variety of thoughts recorded with a variety of tones and rhythms.
Inspiration for this work comes from the teachings of Thor Phillipsen (he explains life through the lens of neuroanatomy) the Sage of the IChing as taught by Anthony/Moog, Brian Walker, Stephen Karcher, the authors of the Toltec IChing, and the great Dr. Seuss.
I am excited to see where these ideas may go next.
It’s more than belief
It is whether when we feel in our heart love or grief
It’s more than what we see
It’s what we do with what we see
It’s the color of our vision
The light of reception
The shadow of rejection
The result of introspection
A blessing or transgression
What you see is what you get
Perspective is what you do with it
Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees. - Rumi
Half full half empty
What do you see?
When you see
What do you believe?
Is what you believe
Based on what you see?
Or is What you believe
Based on what you perceive?
What we do how we act
All reflects where we’re at
Regardless of what we believe
We act in accordance with how we perceive
Input. Output. Process
Is it safe or it is it dangerous?
Do I have what I need?
Depends in part on what I perceive
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. Henry David Thereau
That experience is this experience
Wisdom accumulates while knowledge is cheap
Responsibility is its currency
Is your perspective one that allows you to see?
Is it expansive or is it blinding?
To know if your perception is in the right direction
Notice how you feel when you see something real
Is the feeling appropriate even when it feels bad
Or is it just the easiest feeling in the moment to be had?
If you perceive fear you will feel fear
Even when there is nothing to fear
If you see love you can feel love
Love is everywhere
Love is an infinite resource
Where there is love
we can endure changes beyond us (2x)
Changes in front of us
You may think you’re lucky because you’re comfortable
with with a point of view that suits you
But after a while you may be surprised
what a dose of perspective can do for you
“If I knew then what I know now” is luckily just an adage
The journey from there to here is all about perspective
It takes courage to see the truth
Love is true and so is pain
Truth is within and around us
Life is a creative process
* * * *
While I could not recite the texts due to copyright restrictions, I can quote them here to share these beautiful teaching on perspective:
In the search for enlightenment, there is an ever present certainty that there is more to do, someone else who holds the secret, another state to attain.
In the finding of it, there is the comical revelation that not one of those things was ever true. — Wei Wu Wei Ching via Brian Walker: Hexagram 55 Abundance
You will hear your inner voice when you shift your perspective from what you should think to what you perceive through your senses. -The Cosmic Way (Anthony/Moog): Hexagram 21 Biting Through
This offering is a sampling on perspective. It includes a variety of thoughts recorded with a variety of tones and rhythms.
Inspiration for this work comes from the teachings of Thor Phillipsen (he explains life through the lens of neuroanatomy) the Sage of the IChing as taught by Anthony/Moog, Brian Walker, Stephen Karcher, the authors of the Toltec IChing, and the great Dr. Seuss.
I am excited to see where these ideas may go next.
It’s more than belief
It is whether when we feel in our heart love or grief
It’s more than what we see
It’s what we do with what we see
It’s the color of our vision
The light of reception
The shadow of rejection
The result of introspection
A blessing or transgression
What you see is what you get
Perspective is what you do with it
Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees. - Rumi
Half full half empty
What do you see?
When you see
What do you believe?
Is what you believe
Based on what you see?
Or is What you believe
Based on what you perceive?
What we do how we act
All reflects where we’re at
Regardless of what we believe
We act in accordance with how we perceive
Input. Output. Process
Is it safe or it is it dangerous?
Do I have what I need?
Depends in part on what I perceive
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. Henry David Thereau
That experience is this experience
Wisdom accumulates while knowledge is cheap
Responsibility is its currency
Is your perspective one that allows you to see?
Is it expansive or is it blinding?
To know if your perception is in the right direction
Notice how you feel when you see something real
Is the feeling appropriate even when it feels bad
Or is it just the easiest feeling in the moment to be had?
If you perceive fear you will feel fear
Even when there is nothing to fear
If you see love you can feel love
Love is everywhere
Love is an infinite resource
Where there is love
we can endure changes beyond us (2x)
Changes in front of us
You may think you’re lucky because you’re comfortable
with with a point of view that suits you
But after a while you may be surprised
what a dose of perspective can do for you
“If I knew then what I know now” is luckily just an adage
The journey from there to here is all about perspective
It takes courage to see the truth
Love is true and so is pain
Truth is within and around us
Life is a creative process
* * * *
While I could not recite the texts due to copyright restrictions, I can quote them here to share these beautiful teaching on perspective:
In the search for enlightenment, there is an ever present certainty that there is more to do, someone else who holds the secret, another state to attain.
In the finding of it, there is the comical revelation that not one of those things was ever true. — Wei Wu Wei Ching via Brian Walker: Hexagram 55 Abundance
You will hear your inner voice when you shift your perspective from what you should think to what you perceive through your senses. -The Cosmic Way (Anthony/Moog): Hexagram 21 Biting Through
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