
The Solstice is an Edge
Thank you
Speck : bells
Kara : binaural beat
Haskel : guitars
NASA : the first sounds recorded on mars and for the sound of plasma in space
Jay Umphries : cricket field recording
Clam Casino Type Drum Loop from Looperman
Vocals, bass and bowls, uploaded separately
This track truly is a collective effort.
The Solstice is an Edge
What is the solstice but the edge
When light or darkness deepens
A filament of boundary between seasons
What it means when it occurs
The stretch of dark or illumination
Depends Entirely where in the world
You are when the moment happens
The shifting of the seasons
shifting seasons
flavor of the light
clarity of stars
Shining through the night
Let’s take it in together
What is dark
What is bright
Take the time to sense
What may be wrong
And what is right
What is dark
What is bright
Take the time to sense your heart
It Beats with life
Sense our hearts beat with life
Speck : bells
Kara : binaural beat
Haskel : guitars
NASA : the first sounds recorded on mars and for the sound of plasma in space
Jay Umphries : cricket field recording
Clam Casino Type Drum Loop from Looperman
Vocals, bass and bowls, uploaded separately
This track truly is a collective effort.
The Solstice is an Edge
What is the solstice but the edge
When light or darkness deepens
A filament of boundary between seasons
What it means when it occurs
The stretch of dark or illumination
Depends Entirely where in the world
You are when the moment happens
The shifting of the seasons
shifting seasons
flavor of the light
clarity of stars
Shining through the night
Let’s take it in together
What is dark
What is bright
Take the time to sense
What may be wrong
And what is right
What is dark
What is bright
Take the time to sense your heart
It Beats with life
Sense our hearts beat with life