Viewing (Hexagram 20)
The wind moves above earth revealing all things. — Hexagram 20, Viewing/Contemplating
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What a delight to play with Spinningmerkaba! His catalog is diverse and vast. His talent is inspiring!
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Viewing (Hexagram 20)
Expand your horizons
Expand your horizons
See your reflection in each and everyone
Look, but don’t act, to find the right perspective
To keep going like this is dangerous
See how heaven moves through spirit
In all directions at one
Expand your horizons
Expand your horizons
Bird signs and omens are there to see
Receive the ancestors in your dream
See your reflection in each and every one
This is a tower initiation
Accept the transition
Notice without judging
See your reflection in each and everyone
Expand your horizons
Expand your horizons
Expand your horizons
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I started with Sun Says Yes which is a fully mixed track produced by Spinningmerkaba that features Siobhan Dakay. I added a couple of Jason’s trumpet stems, and his vocals from Horizons (which I have used before because I love them!).
Jason’s lyric, “expand your horizons”, fit with a hexagram that appeared in my daily IChing practice — Hexagram 20, Viewing/Contemplating.
The lyrics mix Jason’s lyrics with my spoken word (teachings from the IChing) and backing vocals.
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What a delight to play with Spinningmerkaba! His catalog is diverse and vast. His talent is inspiring!
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Viewing (Hexagram 20)
Expand your horizons
Expand your horizons
See your reflection in each and everyone
Look, but don’t act, to find the right perspective
To keep going like this is dangerous
See how heaven moves through spirit
In all directions at one
Expand your horizons
Expand your horizons
Bird signs and omens are there to see
Receive the ancestors in your dream
See your reflection in each and every one
This is a tower initiation
Accept the transition
Notice without judging
See your reflection in each and everyone
Expand your horizons
Expand your horizons
Expand your horizons
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I started with Sun Says Yes which is a fully mixed track produced by Spinningmerkaba that features Siobhan Dakay. I added a couple of Jason’s trumpet stems, and his vocals from Horizons (which I have used before because I love them!).
Jason’s lyric, “expand your horizons”, fit with a hexagram that appeared in my daily IChing practice — Hexagram 20, Viewing/Contemplating.
The lyrics mix Jason’s lyrics with my spoken word (teachings from the IChing) and backing vocals.