The Face of Gabriel Collins
As a callow youth I had a girlfriend who would repeatedly play Face Value by Phil Collins at the start of moments of passion.
It was a bit of an ego deflator to have to rely on a short balding man who played drums to get the best out of the moment but I grew to love him as the summer went on.
Collins graciously acknowledged the creative drum programming work of Peter Gabriel as a big influence on the album.
Many thanks to Wilburson for another spiritually uplifting vocal so beautifully sung.
On 1 February 2002 Daniel Pearl the South Asia Bureau Chief of The Wall Street Journal was kidnapped and murdered by Al-Qaeda in Pakistan. All this month artists and musicians from all over the world are asked to create something in his memory.
This is my offering.
It was a bit of an ego deflator to have to rely on a short balding man who played drums to get the best out of the moment but I grew to love him as the summer went on.
Collins graciously acknowledged the creative drum programming work of Peter Gabriel as a big influence on the album.
Many thanks to Wilburson for another spiritually uplifting vocal so beautifully sung.
On 1 February 2002 Daniel Pearl the South Asia Bureau Chief of The Wall Street Journal was kidnapped and murdered by Al-Qaeda in Pakistan. All this month artists and musicians from all over the world are asked to create something in his memory.
This is my offering.