This lyric was originally written for music by D.J. Rkod (also a denizen of CCmixter) - but I have re-recorded the vocal for the “emergence” project. It seemed an apt offering since is about coming to consciousness - and its theme contains both the notion of submergence and emergence.
Come up for air
Come up and breathe
You’ve been submerged for centuries
Let Lloyd Bridges rest
Let Bathysphere’s be
Shed air-tanks and masks
Resign them to the foamy sea
Feel the freedom
Clear atmosphere
Step onto dry land
Let’s get out of here
Don’t call Jules Verne
In his Chambered Nautilus
Let giant squid be
20,000 leagues under the sea
Up periscope
Submarines rise
Feel the warm sun
Dry watery eyes
Don’t call Neville Shute
Leave him on the beach
With T.S. Elliot
His mermaids and his peach
If Davy Jones tries to reel you in
Don’t look back
Don’t give in
Come up for air…..
Come up and breathe……
Come up for air
Come up and breathe
You’ve been submerged for centuries
Let Lloyd Bridges rest
Let Bathysphere’s be
Shed air-tanks and masks
Resign them to the foamy sea
Feel the freedom
Clear atmosphere
Step onto dry land
Let’s get out of here
Don’t call Jules Verne
In his Chambered Nautilus
Let giant squid be
20,000 leagues under the sea
Up periscope
Submarines rise
Feel the warm sun
Dry watery eyes
Don’t call Neville Shute
Leave him on the beach
With T.S. Elliot
His mermaids and his peach
If Davy Jones tries to reel you in
Don’t look back
Don’t give in
Come up for air…..
Come up and breathe……