MONDO (Acapella)
HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
Written & perfomed by COFFEEEUROPE
El mundo mondo
El mundo
El mondo
Sale el sol = Sun rises
Los viejos estiran el dolor = the old stretch their aching
Y los que viejos no son = and the ones who aren’t
miran con pasión = contemplate with passion
con suspiro y con amor = hopes and dreams
soplo ‘e vida y corazón = breath of life and heart
mientras gira el girasol = as the sunflower turns
La grulla canta = The crane sings
sacude, y su vuelo alza = shakes and takes to flight
La gota cae = the drop of dew falls
su banda avanza = its ripples grow
El rio corre = makes the river flow
Ya al mar creció = the seas grow
Así es como el tango apareció = that’s how tango came to be
Las rosas crecen al derredor = Roses grow all around
jardín, romance y la primavera = garden of romance and spring
Bella muchacha de inocente era = beautiful girl of the age of innocence
Corta la pura corteza en flor = clips the pure cortex in bloom
Se pincha y llora por bandolera = prickles her finger and cries – the impish
Y no es que es malo ni feo fuera = is not that it is bad or ugly thing
Así es que pasa al caer el sol = Is just the way things go as the sun sets
El macho es bravo conquistador = The macho is ferocious and a conquer-er
Navega el mar y al puño a Dios = sails the seas and with a fist puts God on his knees
Lo besa el deseo y el pecado mortero = desire and mortal sin give him their kisses
El es el pueblo; él es el sol = he is the people/ he is the sun
también la vida y la destrucción = also life and destruction
no es que sea malo ni feo fuera = is not that it is bad or ugly thing
Así es que pasa al caer el sol = is just the way things go as the sun sets
La nube es blanca = Clouds are blank
El pensar se tranca = just like the mind can be blank
El metal es planta que tanto avanza = metal is a fast growing plant
raíces negras, edificios, automóviles = black roots, skyscrapers, automobiles
Su ruido altera = its noise disrupts
Quien en un día fuera = Who was it that fine day
Ah hecho del mundo fiera = made a wild beast of the world
Que ahora muere y ruje y truena = As it now agonizes, roars and thunders
No es que es malo ni feo fuera = is not that it is bad or ugly thing
Así es que pasa al caer el sol = is just the way things go as the sun sets
Oye viejo Mondo = Listen to me Old Mondo [world]
Deja que salga el sol = let the sun shine
No te sienta chungo = don’t feel insignificant
ni calle tu asunto = don’t silence your voice
No te siente no = don’t sit down—no
Oye vagabundo = Listen to me Vagabond
mira que el sol salió = the sun has risen
No te acuestes = don’t go back to sleep
No te pare = don’t just stand there either
no te siente no = don’t sit down—no
El Sol alumbra tu camino = The sun lights your way
Oye síguelo = follow it
Deja que salga el sol = let the sun shine
Mira que el sol salio = the sun has risen
Ay, no te siente—no = don’t sit down—no
Ay, no te siente = don’t sit down
No te siente—no = don’t sit down—no
Written & perfomed by COFFEEEUROPE
El mundo mondo
El mundo
El mondo
Sale el sol = Sun rises
Los viejos estiran el dolor = the old stretch their aching
Y los que viejos no son = and the ones who aren’t
miran con pasión = contemplate with passion
con suspiro y con amor = hopes and dreams
soplo ‘e vida y corazón = breath of life and heart
mientras gira el girasol = as the sunflower turns
La grulla canta = The crane sings
sacude, y su vuelo alza = shakes and takes to flight
La gota cae = the drop of dew falls
su banda avanza = its ripples grow
El rio corre = makes the river flow
Ya al mar creció = the seas grow
Así es como el tango apareció = that’s how tango came to be
Las rosas crecen al derredor = Roses grow all around
jardín, romance y la primavera = garden of romance and spring
Bella muchacha de inocente era = beautiful girl of the age of innocence
Corta la pura corteza en flor = clips the pure cortex in bloom
Se pincha y llora por bandolera = prickles her finger and cries – the impish
Y no es que es malo ni feo fuera = is not that it is bad or ugly thing
Así es que pasa al caer el sol = Is just the way things go as the sun sets
El macho es bravo conquistador = The macho is ferocious and a conquer-er
Navega el mar y al puño a Dios = sails the seas and with a fist puts God on his knees
Lo besa el deseo y el pecado mortero = desire and mortal sin give him their kisses
El es el pueblo; él es el sol = he is the people/ he is the sun
también la vida y la destrucción = also life and destruction
no es que sea malo ni feo fuera = is not that it is bad or ugly thing
Así es que pasa al caer el sol = is just the way things go as the sun sets
La nube es blanca = Clouds are blank
El pensar se tranca = just like the mind can be blank
El metal es planta que tanto avanza = metal is a fast growing plant
raíces negras, edificios, automóviles = black roots, skyscrapers, automobiles
Su ruido altera = its noise disrupts
Quien en un día fuera = Who was it that fine day
Ah hecho del mundo fiera = made a wild beast of the world
Que ahora muere y ruje y truena = As it now agonizes, roars and thunders
No es que es malo ni feo fuera = is not that it is bad or ugly thing
Así es que pasa al caer el sol = is just the way things go as the sun sets
Oye viejo Mondo = Listen to me Old Mondo [world]
Deja que salga el sol = let the sun shine
No te sienta chungo = don’t feel insignificant
ni calle tu asunto = don’t silence your voice
No te siente no = don’t sit down—no
Oye vagabundo = Listen to me Vagabond
mira que el sol salió = the sun has risen
No te acuestes = don’t go back to sleep
No te pare = don’t just stand there either
no te siente no = don’t sit down—no
El Sol alumbra tu camino = The sun lights your way
Oye síguelo = follow it
Deja que salga el sol = let the sun shine
Mira que el sol salio = the sun has risen
Ay, no te siente—no = don’t sit down—no
Ay, no te siente = don’t sit down
No te siente—no = don’t sit down—no