El Amante que Robo la Rosa
HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
*Poem A capella here*
Spanish performance of my poem ‘The Robber Rosegroom’. Kind regards to Emily for the beautiful and heavyhearted track that accompanies; seems we shared a similar mood when writing poem/song then—Enjoy.
El Amante que Robo la Rosa
Written & performed by COFFEEEUROPE
Te vi en los jardines de mis sueños… = I saw you in the gardens of my dreams…
Allá estabas, robándote una rosa mientras yo dormía. = There you were, stealing a rose while slept.
Apartado… = Withdrawn…
Distante… = Diverted…
Ameno… = Distant…
Si, te vi allí… = Yes, I saw you there…
Mientras yo volaba arremolinado… = While I was swirling…
En la casa donde nuestro amor, = from the house where our love,
Antes de que este pasase a baldío asuntillo, = before it became a simple affair,
Se había posado para tan solo mas tarde volar e irse por doquiera que el viento soplara. = perched, then flew and gone wherever the wind blew.
Desde ese entonces, volaba sin rumbo… = From then on, misshapen, it swirled about…
Arrastrado por la lamentosa y tempestuosa brisa de mi durmiente aflicción. = with the lamenting and tempestuous breeze of my slumbering affliction.
Spanish performance of my poem ‘The Robber Rosegroom’. Kind regards to Emily for the beautiful and heavyhearted track that accompanies; seems we shared a similar mood when writing poem/song then—Enjoy.
El Amante que Robo la Rosa
Written & performed by COFFEEEUROPE
Te vi en los jardines de mis sueños… = I saw you in the gardens of my dreams…
Allá estabas, robándote una rosa mientras yo dormía. = There you were, stealing a rose while slept.
Apartado… = Withdrawn…
Distante… = Diverted…
Ameno… = Distant…
Si, te vi allí… = Yes, I saw you there…
Mientras yo volaba arremolinado… = While I was swirling…
En la casa donde nuestro amor, = from the house where our love,
Antes de que este pasase a baldío asuntillo, = before it became a simple affair,
Se había posado para tan solo mas tarde volar e irse por doquiera que el viento soplara. = perched, then flew and gone wherever the wind blew.
Desde ese entonces, volaba sin rumbo… = From then on, misshapen, it swirled about…
Arrastrado por la lamentosa y tempestuosa brisa de mi durmiente aflicción. = with the lamenting and tempestuous breeze of my slumbering affliction.