Mi Inconciencia - Fernando Serattin a.k.a. Planeador 2.0 (COFFEEEUROPE Edit ft. Robbero & JC Delarco)
HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
Thanks to Robbero, Fernando Serattin/Planeador 2.0, and to JC Delarco at Soundcloud.com
Mi inconsciencia/ My unconscious
by Fernando Serattin (Planeador 2.0)
Y si te busco hoy, no es para que me digas nada = And if I go looking for you today, it isn’t so that you have to tell me anything
Voy como tripulante, en mi vuelo ya no hay fronteras = I’m going as the air crew, and in my flight there are no frontiers
Casualidad casual, tu libertad sentimental = Casual casualty, your sentimental freedom
Quizás sea mejor, mirar tu cuerpo desde de mi esfera = Perhaps it would be better, to look at your body from my sphere
Cualquier oscilación regresará a tu inconsciencia, mi inconsciencia. = Any oscillation will come back to your unconscious, my unconscious
::second verse::
Y si preguntan por mí, y no contesto estoy ausente = And if they ask for me, and I don’t answer - I’m absent…, sentimental
Soy copiloto, no respondo a la incoherencia, tu incoherencia = I’m copilot, don’t answer to incoherence, your incoherence
Quizás sea mejor, mirar tu cuerpo desde de mi esfera = Perhaps it would be better, to look at your body from my sphere
Cualquier oscilación regresará a tu inconsciencia, mi inconsciencia. = Any oscillation will come back to your unconscious, my unconscious
::Poem insert::
by jcdelarco
Pero me quede pensando… que alli, donde hay alguien a quien se quiere muchisimo, y donde hay alguien que nos quiere deveras, ese si que es el lugar mas bonito del mundo.
But I stood there thinking… that…, there, where there is someone dearly loved, and where there is someone who loves us truly…, that’s really the most beautiful place on earth.
Mi inconsciencia/ My unconscious
by Fernando Serattin (Planeador 2.0)
Y si te busco hoy, no es para que me digas nada = And if I go looking for you today, it isn’t so that you have to tell me anything
Voy como tripulante, en mi vuelo ya no hay fronteras = I’m going as the air crew, and in my flight there are no frontiers
Casualidad casual, tu libertad sentimental = Casual casualty, your sentimental freedom
Quizás sea mejor, mirar tu cuerpo desde de mi esfera = Perhaps it would be better, to look at your body from my sphere
Cualquier oscilación regresará a tu inconsciencia, mi inconsciencia. = Any oscillation will come back to your unconscious, my unconscious
::second verse::
Y si preguntan por mí, y no contesto estoy ausente = And if they ask for me, and I don’t answer - I’m absent…, sentimental
Soy copiloto, no respondo a la incoherencia, tu incoherencia = I’m copilot, don’t answer to incoherence, your incoherence
Quizás sea mejor, mirar tu cuerpo desde de mi esfera = Perhaps it would be better, to look at your body from my sphere
Cualquier oscilación regresará a tu inconsciencia, mi inconsciencia. = Any oscillation will come back to your unconscious, my unconscious
::Poem insert::
by jcdelarco
Pero me quede pensando… que alli, donde hay alguien a quien se quiere muchisimo, y donde hay alguien que nos quiere deveras, ese si que es el lugar mas bonito del mundo.
But I stood there thinking… that…, there, where there is someone dearly loved, and where there is someone who loves us truly…, that’s really the most beautiful place on earth.