Too old to be cool
Embrace the freedom of being cringe.
This one wound up having a pretty tight arrangement, not a lot of overdubs needed, though a fair amount of automating different effects to turn on and off in a manner not unlike a guitarist using their pedals.
Because sometimes, and I’ve probably said this before, but thinking about the arrangement as though it were going to be played by a 4-5 piece band, and that helps me focus on the meat of the song.
( watch the VOD)
This one wound up having a pretty tight arrangement, not a lot of overdubs needed, though a fair amount of automating different effects to turn on and off in a manner not unlike a guitarist using their pedals.
Because sometimes, and I’ve probably said this before, but thinking about the arrangement as though it were going to be played by a 4-5 piece band, and that helps me focus on the meat of the song.
( watch the VOD)