Mind - Donnie Ozone and mag
I am not very satisfied with this one. But I dont have the courage to work more on it… :D
Anyway, as usual an excellent vocal and text from Donnie Ozone.
I used two excellent free vsti : Lynx from Xenobioz (the kind of plucked harp at the end) and ers drums which sounds very well too. Must have vst.
Lynx : www.xenobioz.com/p/xenobioz-vsts.html
ers drums :
Anyway, as usual an excellent vocal and text from Donnie Ozone.
I used two excellent free vsti : Lynx from Xenobioz (the kind of plucked harp at the end) and ers drums which sounds very well too. Must have vst.
Lynx : www.xenobioz.com/p/xenobioz-vsts.html
ers drums :