Blasting Holes In The Atmosphere
Just in time for the Catalyst event…
After running out of steam on more than one occasion while trying to come up with one more contribution to the Catalyst event, I basically gave up. Then I listened one more time to a completely unrelated track that I wanted to delete. It was called “The Gospel According To Steven Wilson” and it contained some mangled words by a certain chap called Steven Wilson. I decided to get rid of his sermon and a few other parts and added Joel’s spoken word piece, followed by part of the Admiral’s lead guitar from his “Groove in D Minor”. The latter I used instead of some of Susan’s words from “Stay Calm”, when differences in tempo and especially time signature made that too difficult for my pea brain to incorporate into the song. So I only used the important advice she gave us…
Stay calm!
After running out of steam on more than one occasion while trying to come up with one more contribution to the Catalyst event, I basically gave up. Then I listened one more time to a completely unrelated track that I wanted to delete. It was called “The Gospel According To Steven Wilson” and it contained some mangled words by a certain chap called Steven Wilson. I decided to get rid of his sermon and a few other parts and added Joel’s spoken word piece, followed by part of the Admiral’s lead guitar from his “Groove in D Minor”. The latter I used instead of some of Susan’s words from “Stay Calm”, when differences in tempo and especially time signature made that too difficult for my pea brain to incorporate into the song. So I only used the important advice she gave us…
Stay calm!