Mephisto Cafe
With MC Scomber and the Javolenus Cash Money Band featuring Snowflake, Steven Bryant, Coruscate and Guitarmy rocking the Mephisto Cafe, a vain dance club patron visits the proprietor seeking happiness with everything on it. In the end, the patron must find Julio in L.A.
(1) Electronico - synths and voice of club patron
(2) ElRon XChile - guitar, bass and voice of proprietor
(3) Susan Joseph - voice of lady ordering champagne sampled from http://ccmixter.org/files/t...
(4) Laurie Webb and Gnome vocal samples courtesy of Samplefusion, http://www.image-line.com/d...
(5)Tibetan Chant courtesy of djgriffin and licensed CC BY NC http://www.freesound.org/pe...
(6) Walking on Wooden Floor sample courtesy of klankbeeld and Freesound.org http://www.freesound.org/pe...
(8) Squeaky Door sample by ERH and licensed CC BY http://www.freesound.org/pe...
(9) Knock on Door sample courtesy of payattention and licensed CC 0 http://www.freesound.org/pe...
(1) Electronico - synths and voice of club patron
(2) ElRon XChile - guitar, bass and voice of proprietor
(3) Susan Joseph - voice of lady ordering champagne sampled from http://ccmixter.org/files/t...
(4) Laurie Webb and Gnome vocal samples courtesy of Samplefusion, http://www.image-line.com/d...
(5)Tibetan Chant courtesy of djgriffin and licensed CC BY NC http://www.freesound.org/pe...
(6) Walking on Wooden Floor sample courtesy of klankbeeld and Freesound.org http://www.freesound.org/pe...
(8) Squeaky Door sample by ERH and licensed CC BY http://www.freesound.org/pe...
(9) Knock on Door sample courtesy of payattention and licensed CC 0 http://www.freesound.org/pe...
Uses samples from...
- Solidarity For Pussy Riot guitarmy
- All That Matters (Is Making Cash) zep_hurme
- All That Matters (Is Making Cash) Javolenus
- All That Matters (Is Making Cash) Javolenus
- Mob Ties stevieb357
- Does This Acid Make Me Look Fat? adisa
- More Trouble 80 BPM Construction Kit Coruscate
- Crown Of Thorns (where it needs to be) speck
- One more day (live at the CCM convention) scomber
- Blessed are the Greedy snowflake