
Angel Face
The gritty guitar sound is made by running a smooth sounding guitar through an Amplitube 4 model of a 1957 Fender Deluxe amp and cabinet.
Congas by My Free Mickey.
Congas by My Free Mickey.
Uses samples from...
Samples are used in...
- The Lean Times Podcast - Episódio 1
- Frango com quiabo sem baba - #14 Cozinha Sem Frescura
- Melón con menta y limón
- Melón con menta y limón
- YouTube
- YouTube
- Compras Mas Scrap
- Geeks World Wide Entertainment Special: "Batman - Bad Blood" Spoilercast by GWW Radio | Free Listening on SoundCloud
- Buceo en el Bajo de Dentro 24/9/16
- texasradiofish Angel Face ft ASHWAN, My Free Mickey
- Angel Face - texasradiofish
- GUILLADECOON - Abril 2016 - Maine Coon
- GUILLADECOON - Camadas 2016 - Maine Coon
- Pincéis Pausa Para Feminices