Hunt Down Love Together
The Love Whisperer
Our first love victim is PorchCat’s Hunt Down Love Together. Started with PorchCat’s basic bass. Chopped off the low end and reamped as a synth rhythm. Then added sub bass. More synths, electronic drums and disco R&B drums were added. Emphasized only the disco R&B on the Barry White and Issac Hayes style Love Whisperer parts. ElRon guitar from a previous recording was liberally mangled to taste.
Our first love victim is PorchCat’s Hunt Down Love Together. Started with PorchCat’s basic bass. Chopped off the low end and reamped as a synth rhythm. Then added sub bass. More synths, electronic drums and disco R&B drums were added. Emphasized only the disco R&B on the Barry White and Issac Hayes style Love Whisperer parts. ElRon guitar from a previous recording was liberally mangled to taste.