CC Town Secret Mixer News
CC Town Secret Mixer News
We wrote and recorded about 10 minutes of a self indulgent, politically incorrect, satirical newscast. We had way too much fun.
We integrated voice samples of our secret victim Martin Cee from “CC Town” and “crows” and made use of multiple instrument samples from “Don’t Jump” drum beat and “moths122 podcast break and bumper music.”
(1) Crow Call 2 Sound courtesy of Jim Bob and http://soundbible.com/1929-... Licensed CC BY 3.0
Some links for the curious:
(1) Schumann Resonances
(2) Invasive Cuban Brown Anole
(3) Chinese Zither
We wrote and recorded about 10 minutes of a self indulgent, politically incorrect, satirical newscast. We had way too much fun.
We integrated voice samples of our secret victim Martin Cee from “CC Town” and “crows” and made use of multiple instrument samples from “Don’t Jump” drum beat and “moths122 podcast break and bumper music.”
(1) Crow Call 2 Sound courtesy of Jim Bob and http://soundbible.com/1929-... Licensed CC BY 3.0
Some links for the curious:
(1) Schumann Resonances
(2) Invasive Cuban Brown Anole
(3) Chinese Zither