Steve Pordon
I’ve been playing guitar since 1987 and noodling around with computer music since about 1993. I enjoy doing covers and remixes, but I also have a shitload of original music.
Most of my work is done in FL Studio with various VST instrument add-ons, although I prefer Cubase for guitar tracking work. I do all my mixing and mastering in Cubase. My music production environment currently consists of a Sager NP8658-S laptop running Windows 10, Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 sound interface, Alesis X25 MIDI controller, 90-watt Mesa Boogie Mark V combo amp, a 19” rack full of sound processors, Monoprice 600800 condensor mic, dual Nady condensors, Shure SM-57 dynamic mic, AKG K240S and Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones, and guitars.
I play an Ibanez RG560 electric guitar and a 1956 Kay jumbo acoustic which was a present from my father many years ago. I run the electric through Amplitube 2/3 or Revalver 4 on the laptop, via the Scarlett’s preamps. I do the same thing with the acoustic, using microphones. I replaced my Dean Zone XM bass with an Ibanez SR500.
Most of my work is done in FL Studio with various VST instrument add-ons, although I prefer Cubase for guitar tracking work. I do all my mixing and mastering in Cubase. My music production environment currently consists of a Sager NP8658-S laptop running Windows 10, Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 sound interface, Alesis X25 MIDI controller, 90-watt Mesa Boogie Mark V combo amp, a 19” rack full of sound processors, Monoprice 600800 condensor mic, dual Nady condensors, Shure SM-57 dynamic mic, AKG K240S and Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones, and guitars.
I play an Ibanez RG560 electric guitar and a 1956 Kay jumbo acoustic which was a present from my father many years ago. I run the electric through Amplitube 2/3 or Revalver 4 on the laptop, via the Scarlett’s preamps. I do the same thing with the acoustic, using microphones. I replaced my Dean Zone XM bass with an Ibanez SR500.