Nauta, known also as Delirio / Linopao / Lino, since the infancy it draws near to the music, the percussions are its passion and already’ from the times of the school it makes up for drums getting by fustini of the cleanser and tanks of the gasoline found in shore to its sea. Get involved in the electro, to the culture Hip Hop and to the breakdance: from the ‘90, with his/her sampler Akay S950, draws near to the digital one. In socia with some friends it begins an adventure “school Public Enemy”: sampling loop from di funky records / soul, they create beat acid house and techno. At the same time it plays the drum and at the end of him ‘80 form with other impassioned groups hardcore punk / metal called Blind justice and Nameless. Then in the ‘90 enter to belong to the group reggae Radio Rebelde that the earth’ busy for more’ of 5 years, in which, on board of a van percorrer Italy from south north to play in more’ of 300 concerts. And’ percussionista and in his/her sets it places side by side the use of the Akay. The Radio Rebeldes record Culturegghe (an EP for letichetta ParisTexas), Esternazione (a 12”, the same) and Tam Tam (an album for the StrazzRecords) and they come in contact with the greatest exponents of the kind in Italy: Africa United - Madasky, Country house Royale, South Sound System, 99 Posse and many others. The passion for the Hip Hop continues to cultivate her/it and with Needle and Place founds the Noisy Minority. In the ‘95 go out theirs first demo, Lidostyli, that makes them know and it brings them to be inserted in various compilation, what Area of contagion (Forgetfulness, Milan) and Unauthorized (Thc, Bologna) Parking lot. Subsequently Kimeras Productions Vol.1 (a 12”) produce with the friends EnMiCasa and On the Correct Wake (a tape). They play before Neffa and the Messengers of the Dopa to Venice and the OTRs + the Pine cone. …the Jungle arrives… a folgorazione… from the ‘96 begin to give him the disks thanks allamico Leo Mayhem of MondoMusica in Turin and to propose evenings in the places of the zone. The Drum’n’Bass follows in all of his/her facets and spreads her/it and it makes her/it know in different party organized to the IUAV, to the Torino@Notte to Venice and in parties on the beach. In the ‘99 and’ to Bristol, where and’ totally involved by the movement. It follows in the clubs the evenings of the Full Cycle and the V Recordings; Dj XS (BreakBeatCulture) knows that it periodically sends him his/her disks and the friends Oilexperts (experimental band) that entertains him/it. Returned in Italy it plays for two winter seasons to the c.s.o. Revolt of Marghera with Daredevil, near the Psycodrome, to the Pergola in Milan for a soundclash with Hellen, Alpha V and Frank S (Guidance Crew) and to the Blue Cheese in Rome. In the ‘02 residents with Nuke, Sygo, Andy Pop, Daredevil, Arp always to the Pergola, sustaining the project www.drumnbass.it. Contemporarily it has a good time playing the lower part in a group metal rock. Recently you/he/she has played with the Royalizes to the Tent Italy in Venice, ago evenings near the RoundMidnight Club Venice and busy in the production Drum’n’Bass and in the project Material Delirium to Be alienated (Arts Martians)